On 30th May 2009, i guest i was in a short one day vacation with my three others friends which were siti, zi and baha my roomate. Surprisingly, none of us have ever been there. Our tickets cost RM 51 per person with all unlimited games. Emm..our bus started the journey sharp at 9.30 a.m. and reached there about 11.00 a.m. Our first place to see was outdoor games. Too many people queue up at each games. uhuh, so we went to Dinosourland boating, mini train and monorail. Because our limited time, that only 3 we could ride. We must went to skywalker at 4.30 because our bus leave at 5.30. What i got from our vacation, next time when i go there again, i know where will i start first hehe. We always learn from experiences, right?